
What is PCOS

PCOS stands for Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome. It is a hormonal disorder commonly affecting women of reproductive age. It is also known as polycystic ovarian syndrome, polycystic ovary disease, functional ovarian hyperandrogenism, ovarian hyperthecosis, sclerocystic ovary syndrome and Stein–Leventhal syndrome.

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common hormonal disorder affecting 10% of women. It affects women between 15 and 44 years of age. PCOS affects woman’s hormonal levels thereby affecting the ovaries.

In healthy women, the ovaries produce a very small amount of male hormones called as androgens. In PCOS, due to insulin resistance the ovaries produce androgens in excess, rather than the female hormones such as estrogen and progesterone. Excess androgens are responsible for causing many symptoms such as acne, facial hair, thinning of hair and irregular menses in PCOS.

‘Polycystic’ means ‘many cysts.’ In PCOS, many small, fluid-filled sacs develop inside the ovaries. These fluid-filled sacs are nothing but follicles, each one of them containing an immature egg. The eggs are never fully grown to trigger ovulation. The absence of ovulation alters levels of hormones. Estrogen and progesterone levels fall, while androgen (male hormones) levels are too high. The follicles keep growing and form multiple cysts in the ovary. This causes the ovary to enlarge in size


The imbalance in hormonal levels causes menstrual irregularities, and affects face, figure and fertility of the women.

What are the causes of PCOS?

The exact cause of PCOS is still not known. Some factors associated with PCOS are:

- Heredity

It is seen that a women with this disorder, may have a mother or sister who has PCOS. PCOS runs in the family.

- Insulin resistance

If a woman has PCOS, her body is not able to utilize insulin properly. Insulin is a hormone that helps the body use sugar from foods for energy. When insulin is not used properly, the body’s demand for insulin increases. And to compensate, our body produces more insulin. More amount of insulin triggers the ovaries to produce more male hormones.

Lifestyle changes

Eating a lot of junk food, binging, keeping awake late in the night, lack of sleep, sedentary lifestyle are all precursors to metabolic diseases which include PCOS.

What are the symptoms of PCOS?

Most of the women with PCOS have

  • Menstrual irregularities or absence of menses
  • Acne
  • Hirsutism (excessive dark, coarse hair on body areas like face, chest and back),
  • Acanthosis nigricans (dark velvety patches of skin)
  • Hair loss
  • Risk of developing obesity and diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol
  • Infertility

How is PCOS diagnosed?

The diagnosis is based on a

  • Medical history- In the medical history the doctor will ask the woman about her health, her menstrual cycle, about methods of birth control and any unwanted hair growth.
  • Physical examination- During a complete physical exam the doctor will look for symptoms of PCOS, waist hip ratio, height, weight and blood pressure. If the doctor suspects that the woman has PCOS, he or she may recommend blood tests to measure hormone levels.
  • Laboratory tests- The doctor may suggest ultrasonography (USG) test to examine the cysts in the ovaries. Many women with PCOS have higher insulin and male hormone levels. Lastly, the doctor may even recommend some more blood tests to check for hormonal levels or any complications of PCOS.

Treatment for PCOS

  • Medications for PCOS:
  • Oral contraceptives(birth control pills)
  • Insulin –sensitizing agents(medicines which improve the body’s ability to use insulin)
  • Anti-androgenic drugs(medicines which reduce the male hormone levels)

They help to regulate the menstrual cycle, reduce the elevated insulin levels and normalize the male hormone levels.

Diet in PCOS

  • It is found that low-carbohydrate diet is effective for weight loss. It also lowers insulin levels.
  • Have wholesome breakfast of cereals and fruits and make dinners the smallest meals to improve health.
  • Have low glycemic index foods like barley, oats and high fiber vegetables.
  • Have your fair share of fats through dry fruits like almond, pista and ghee.
  • Do not go on crash diets as they cause metabolic issues.


  • Junk food
  • High calories diet including sugar and carbohydrates
  • Alcohol and smoking
  • Chocolates
  • Fried food

Exercise and Yogasanas

  • Studies have found that 30 minutes of moderate exercise and yoga for at least three days a week help women with PCOS lose weight. It helps to reduce weight; improves ovulation and helps reduce insulin levels.
  • Exercise, when combined with a healthy diet will help you lose more weight. It also decreases your risk of developing diabetes and heart diseases.
  • Studies have shown that losing around 5 to 10 percent of your body weight helps in regulating menstrual cycle and improve PCOS symptoms. It can also improve the levels of cholesterol, lower insulin, and reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease.

Yogasanas beneficial in PCOS

Role of Ayurveda and Herbs in PCOS

PCOS or Polycystic ovary Syndrome is an endocrinal disorder affecting around 15 % of female population between the ages of 18-40 years. PCOS presents with it the symptoms of reduced insulin sensitivity, anovulation, excessive facial and body hair, menstrual disturbance, obesity and acne.

Ayurveda correlates these symptoms with its basic philosophy of Tridosha i.eVata, Pitta and Kapha and evaluates the most feasible line of treatment. Overall PCOS shows vitiation of all three doshas, leading to vitiation of tissues and nourishment leading to symptoms of PCOS. To correct the symptoms, it is necessary to balance and harmonize doshas with herbs and regulate the function of female hormones and improve metabolism.

  • Ayurveda has described many herbs which can effectively help in the management of PCOS by
  • Correcting the hormonal imbalance
  • Reducing insulin resistance
  • Improving ovarian health
  • Restoring overall reproductive health

Herbs beneficial in PCOS

Amalaki (Emblica officinalis)


Haridra (Curcuma longa)


Vijaysaar (Pterocarpus marsupium)


Gudmar (Gymnema sylvestre)


Kumari (Aloe vera)


Twak (Cinnamomum zeylanica)

  • These herbs act as insulin sensitizers
  • They help restore hormonal levels
  • They help to lower the high cholesterol levels
  • They help to reduce excess body weight

Yogasanas beneficial in PCOS

Bhujangasana - Yoga Asana for managing PCOS

Naukasana - Yoga Asana for Weight Loss in PCOS

Chakki Chalana and Nauka Chalana asana - Yoga Asana for PCOS

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