
What is Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome or PCOS?

Today, we shall look at a condition in women that is becoming increasingly common in recent times. It is called Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome or PCOS in short form.

The name may sound complicated, so let us try and make it simpler and less complicated.

  • Poly- means many.
  • Cyst means a bubble-like thing in the body tissue.
  • Ovary is the female organ that produces ova or eggs.
  • Syndrome means a group of signs and symptoms complained by the patient

PCOS presents itself with a variety of problems. Let us look at them one by one.

MENSTRUAL PERIODS: First of all, the menstrual periods become irregular. The reason behind this problem is that normally the menstruation is controlled by a cycle of chemical changes in the body. These chemicals are called hormones. They are produced by a gland called pituitary which sits in the base of the brain. The pituitary sends out signals which make the ovary release more hormones in a cyclical manner. If all goes well and if the egg gets fertilized by the sperm, an embryo or mini-baby is formed and grows to become a full new born baby. If not, the tissue lining the womb is discarded as menstruation. In PCOS, the whole cycle becomes erratic and so the menstrual periods become irregular.

FACIAL HAIR PCOS: In PCOS, not only do the hormones work erratically, the ovary also starts making the wrong type of hormones. Instead of only female hormones, it also makes male hormones. This will naturally disturb the balance between male and female hormones, and the patient starts developing hair like a man does. The result is excess body hair and facial hair

ACNE PCOS: Male hormones also cause a pimple like skin infection called acne.  Just like teenagers and adolescents, the patient starts getting acne which does not go away easily, causing a great deal of stress for her.

WEIGHT GAIN PCOS: In PCOS, there is a marked tendency to put on weight. This is also because of changed hormone status. Normally the pituitary gland controls and balances the hormones that have opposite effects namely gaining weight and losing weight. Once this balance gets disturbed in PCOS, the lady tends to eat more and become obese.

INFERTILITY: PCOS drastically reduces fertility. You can easily imagine how the completely disturbed hormone balance won’t allow normal healthy menstrual cycles to happen. The pituitary sends out wrong signals, the ovary sends out further wrong signals, the egg does not get released in time and in a healthy condition, so the fertilization cannot happen correctly, so there is no chance of having a baby

How to correct all this topsy turvy? How to cure PCOS? Well, it is not easy. Modern medicine tries to correct things by giving synthetic hormones which will counteract the effect of abnormal hormones. But such synthetic chemicals have plenty of side effects. They also fail to correct the defect in many cases.

Ayurveda makes the best use of naturally occurring herbs to restore normalcy. There are many herbs that Mother Nature has gifted to us. Which ones to use for which condition has been thoroughly studied and standardized by our forefathers. We just have to follow their advice properly.

That is what Charak Pharma does. It has perfected and polished the art and science of collecting, processing and formulating the right herbs for the right condition. And Charak Pharma offers you such a combination called Hyponidd to take care of the hormonal imbalance in PCOS.

HYPONIDD is a best ayurvedic medicine for PCOS which improves ovulatory function and corrects several metabolic derangements associated with insulin resistance. HYPONIDD decreases the insulin resistance and thereby corrects the three axes namely metabolic, reproductive and steroidogenic. It reduces the free testosterone level and hence decreases androgenic features like acne, hirsutism, alopecia and acanthosis nigricans. It increases the insulin sensitivity and thus corrects lipid metabolism and reduces dyslipidemia. Further HYPONIDD normalizes FSH-LH levels, induces ovulation and thus enhances fertility outcomes.

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