
6 Tips to Relieve Joint Pain

Joint pain is a common symptom in arthritis. Arthritis is the inflammation of one or more joints due to aging, abnormal metabolism, infections, and immune dysfunction. It is of multiple types and the symptoms worsen with age. Pain in the joints, swelling, tenderness, stiffness, and restriction in joint movement are the general symptoms of arthritis. […]

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Stress – A Prime Cause Of Erectile Dysfunction

Did you know that any type of stress can cause erectile dysfunction? Problems at work, relationship conflict, illness, financial problems or even fear of aging can be stressful enough to interfere with sexual responses. For some men, erectile dysfunction itself is the cause of their stress. Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a type of sexual dysfunction […]

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Mulethi – A wonder herb in respiratory infections

With transition in the season and changing climate triggers respiratory infections. The temperature variations add to the spread of these seasonal infections. Weakened immunity is known to increase the susceptibility to these infections. So, are there natural remedies for respiratory infection and for boosting one’s immunity? Ayurveda describes many herbs for respiratory health that have […]

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5 Ayurveda Tips to enhance Immunity

According to Ayurveda, seasonal changes cause a disturbance in the basic components of the body which constitute and manage various functions of the body and also enhance immunity and impart resilience to fight infections.  In Vasant ritu or the spring season, people commonly suffer from cough, cold, fever, indigestion, skin problems, respiratory infections etc. Thus, […]

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Health Yoga

Simple Yoga poses to strengthen Immune system

During this Coronavirus pandemic, we are all trying to take preventive measures and follow the basic hygiene. You may have read in several columns, blogs, videos and news that one of the best way to get protection against this is better immunity, which can be achieved through regular exercise and yoga. While many of the […]

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KOFOL- Ayurvedic Throat Care from Charak Pharma having Leadership for past 70-years

Seasonal throat infections and immunity: Seasonal changes have a direct impact on everyone and for some they might not be very pleasant. The changing temperatures, affects our immunity. As we say bye to winters and welcome spring, we also welcome seasonal temperature fluctuations. The sudden advent of heat eventually leads to allergies, which may result […]

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3 Wonder Herbs to Improve Your Immunity during Coronavirus outbreak

Is coronavirus out break freaking you out? Worry not, because not everyone who contracts the virus will get severely ill. Weaker the immune system, greater is the likelihood of disease severity. Deaths due to coronavirus are rising across the globe. This brings to light how weaker our immune system is getting day by day thanks […]

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Why Women turn to Ayurveda for PCOS Ovarian Cyst Treatment?

Increasing number of women are turning to Ayurvedic medicines instead of allopathy to treat Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). A hormonal disorder that has become all too common in the recent times. Take the case of Shrishti P (name changed) who works for a marketing research firm. And who has been trying to conceive for the […]

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