Sex & Relationships

Stress can affect your sperm count – Follow simple tips and supplement with Addyzoa

Stress is a great motivator. It helps us challenge ourselves at every point in life. Mild stress is healthy but excessive stress leads to many health issues. We often feel stressed in emotional situations or when we face a physical threat. Be it a work related issue, a marital argument or just a social case, […]

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Sex & Relationships Student Blogs

Infertility is on the rise and only lifestyle is to blame

Infertility is a growing problem across the world today. Defined as the inability to conceive after a year of trying for a baby, it is no longer a distant urban phenomenon, restricted to urbanites or women alone. In India too, there has been a huge spike in the number of couples experiencing difficulties conceiving and […]

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Sex & Relationships

5 Ways to Achieve Sexual Satisfaction

Have you ever faced dissatisfaction while getting intimate with your spouse? Or has your wife lost hope in lovemaking? One of major reasons behind your spouse’s frustration is premature ejaculation. It leads to loss of desire for sex and many a times is embarrassing to discuss with others, too. Loss of libido due to premature […]

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Sex & Relationships

Vigomax forte

A note by Dr. Mahinder Watsa, Sexpert Today’s hectic lifestyle often disturbs both body and sexual health. When a person is in poor or reduced health, his or her body cannot respond to sexual stimuli in the normal way; general debility and fatigue and hormonal disorders can reduce sexual drive. Thus sexual problems can be […]

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Sex & Relationships Student Blogs

Combat Infertility Naturally with M2-Tone

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]For most couples, there is rarely anything more joyful than starting their family. Yet for some couples natural conception just doesn’t seem to be possible. This can be quite disheartening and emotionally upsetting for a couple hoping to become parents soon. Not to mention the stress of the expense and possible health complications of trying […]

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Sex & Relationships

How to Overcome Premature Ejaculation?

By – Dr. Mahinder C. Watsa, the Sexpert Premature Ejaculation (PE) is as prevalent as the common cold.  It occurs when a man does not have control over ejaculation, and as a result, he and his partner are not sexually satisfied. Dealing with premature ejaculation? You’re not alone. Approximately 30 percent of men experience PE. […]

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Sex & Relationships

Treating a Decreased Libido

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]A loss of sexual desire in women is quite common. Sexual desire waxes and wanes according to life’s circumstances. One might have a high sex drive at the start of a new relationship, but a low sex drive during a period of illness, or just after you’ve had a baby. A loss of sexual desire can […]

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Sex & Relationships

How to eliminate stress from your sex life by Dr. Mahinder Watsa

How to eliminate stress from your sex life Sexual problems can be one of the greatest sources of stress a couple experiences. Becoming impotent or frigid can lead to depression or severe anxiety and cause illnesses that develop into more serious problems. There’s no doubt that many good marriages have broken up because couples didn’t […]

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Sex & Relationships

Female Sexual Dysfunction

Female sexual dysfunction Surprisingly high incidence in India Healthy sexual functioning is an important contributor to women’s sense of well-being and quality of life. Surveys done in the US and Europe have identified that female sexual dysfunction (FSD) is strikingly prevalent. However, epidemiological investigations regarding the prevalence and factors associated with FSD from developing countries […]

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