
4 Essential Herbs to Deal With PMS

Calling of dates, events, parties or rescheduling meetings only because you are suffering from premenstrual syndrome i.e. PMS may not sound so cool. More than 75% of the menstruating women obviously experience premenstrual symptoms but fail to acknowledge. PMS may start as early as two weeks before menstruation occurs and may continue post menstruation as […]

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Worried About Cold and Flu? 5 Herbs To Boost Immunity

Are you suffering from runny nose or constant cough? The cold and flu season is at its peak right now and is affecting almost everybody with children first on their list. It is of utmost importance right now that we boost immune system strong enough to resist micro-organisms from entering our body and creating nuisance. […]

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What is the Link Between PCOS diagnosis and Diabetes?

It’s long been suspected that there exists a link between polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS diagnosis) and Type 2 diabetes. Increasingly, researchers believe that these conditions are related. PCOS  is an endocrinal disorder that results in the growth of many small cysts on the ovaries ultimately leading to increased levels of androgens or male hormone. These small eruptions […]

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Sex & Relationships

5 Ultimate Ways To Rekindle Spark With Your Spouse

In today’s hectic world, you are left with no time to cater to your wife’s needs. Corporate stress, zeal to achieve goals, daily exertion and tiredness, all are responsible for damaging your relationship. Dear men, the first basic symptom that you need to watch for is low sex drive. This is clear indication that the […]

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How To Recharge Your Drained Energy Levels?

Are you always low on energy? Do you find yourself quite lazy to take any task at hand or often feel exhausted? Extreme tiredness or so called fatigue breaks us down physically and emotionally and weakens the immune system, making us more susceptible to illness, depression, and even chronic conditions like heart disease. In such […]

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5 Lifestyle Hacks to Boost Your Immunity!

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Have you ever walked past someone in public at the exact time they sneezed or coughed? And you are like, I am infected! You immediately run home looking for some preventive medicines to fight back cold and flu. Don’t you trust your immune system? Or maybe you have not done enough to keep your immune […]

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Sex & Relationships

5 Foods To Eat And To Avoid To Boost Libido In Men

Men, are you tired of trying all sorts of modern medicines to boost your sex drive and still not satisfied with results? Let’s talk about how to increase libido through your diet, which includes what you should eat more of and what you should avoid or reduce significantly. Foods that help boost libido 1. Natural […]

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4 Natural Remedies For PCOS

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a one such common condition that many women are struggling to deal with in addition to their lifestyle stress. What is PCOS? Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a problem in which a woman’s hormones go haywire. Various symptoms of PCOS include abnormal menstrual cycle, difficulty to get pregnant, increased facial […]

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4 Essential Herbs To Boost Your Energy Level

Worried about constant lack of energy and enthusiasm? Here are 4 essential herbs that not only increase your energy levels but also improve your health, balance and strengthen your immune system. 1. Ginkgo Ginkgo improves energy flow at a cellular level by increasing the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) in your body. ATP aids the […]

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Sex & Relationships

The Ultimate Ways To Boost Female Libido Naturally

Female sexual dysfunction or loss of libido in women is a very common problem. Sexual desire of a woman fluctuates from time to time, depending on various factors. These fluctuations are a normal part of life. However, if there is a steep decline in your libido, and if it persists for a longer time, then […]

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