
The Ultimate Guide to Your premenstrual(PMS) Symptom

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a set of physical and psychological symptoms, that a women may experience a few days or up to two weeks before her normal monthly period starts. These symptoms are quite frustrating and may also worsen if not addressed in time. Hormonal imbalance is considered as a primary cause of PMS. Addressing […]

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Survival Guide For Men To Handle Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)

Every month women get periods, but few days prior to getting the periods, some women may get some physical and emotional symptoms, called as Pre Menstrual Syndrome (PMS). For all the men, this is the time when one has to be more cautious about what you act and speak. PMS occurs one or two weeks […]

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Sex & Relationships

5 Best Herbs For Female Sexual Dysfunction By Charak

Perhaps you might not have felt desire for sex for a while or maybe it just doesn’t feel good as it used to be earlier. You feel a bit awkward to discuss about a topic that is so reserved- your sex drive. But even though you feel shy about it, it  important for you to […]

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Find Out Why You Are Suffering From Irregular Periods?

Most of the women at some point in their lives have experienced irregular periods. They could have been due to temporary conditions, like high amounts of stress, nutritional deficiency etc. Irregularity can be allowed for everyone, but only for once in a while. If this irregularity continues then it is a cause for concern. Irregular […]

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When PCOS Shatters Your Beauty!!!!

Are you suffering from cosmetic problems because of PCOS? Do you have excess facial hair? Are you facing low self-esteem, avoiding social situations, depressed because of acne and unwanted excess facial hair? ACNE is the most common and most hated of all the PCOS symptoms. Most people with acne are teenagers and young adults, but […]

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What Causes High Blood Sugars? By Charak Pharma

If you are a diabetic, you know that keeping blood sugar in control is an absolute necessity. You may be trying various ways to control them, medicines, diet, exercise, you may also be taking best ayurvedic medicine for diabetes, but are you aware of causes which increase your blood sugar? Some of the culprits known […]

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Sex & Relationships

Low Sperm Count And Male Infertility

Today we shall look at the issue of low sperm count and fertility problems in males. You rather surprised to know that contrary to popular assumptions, in many couples without children, the basic problem is infertility in the male partner and not the female. Many infertile couples stop short of investigating or looking into the […]

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How To Fight With Diabetes Naturally Using Herbs?

Diabetes Mellitus is a condition where a person is either not capable of producing insulin or the body is not able to utilize the insulin which is present in the body. Diabetes ranks among the leading lifestyle disorders. Keeping diabetes in control and preventing further complications is a big challenge. Diabetes is of two types. […]

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