
The Ultimate Health Mantras for a Healthy Lifestyle

Lifestyle is a way of people. Everyday activities of people are their lifestyles. It is the way they live. These include day to day behavior, activities at work, eating habits etc. Lifestyle is an important health factor, and it has gained a lot of interest of the researchers over the recent years, because of its […]

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Role of Nutraceuticals in Polycystic Ovaries Treatment

Nutraceuticals are a combination of natural substances that include herbs and dietary supplements. Nutraceuticals are food or part of a food which provides medical or health benefits including the prevention or treatment of a disease. When you cook food, with or without knowledge of how or why it is being used, the food is called […]

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How to improve immune system or build a healthy immunity?

Winters are here, so is the season of cold and flu. It is the time we prepare our immune system to be strong enough to fight against these seasonal outbreaks. So, how to improve immune system or build a healthy immunity? Regular walk or exercise Balanced nutritious diet Adequate sleep Reduce stress To be away […]

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6 Ultimate Memory Supplements to Combat Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common childhood behavioral condition characterized. By persistent symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. Although psychostimulant medications are prescribed for children with ADHD, the average response rate to these medications is 70%. And up to 30% of children do not respond to these medications or are unable to tolerate such […]

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The Ultimate Dietary and Life-Style Management in Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is typically earmarked by irregular periods or by no menstruation at all. Women with PCOS typically have multiple cysts in their ovaries, caused by an overproduction of hormones called androgens. Around 50 percent of women with the disorder are overweight or obese. Common symptoms include acne, hirsutism (hairiness), and male pattern […]

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Dos and Don’ts to Conquer Premenstrual Syndrome Symptoms (PMS)

PMS is a set of symptoms that starts generally a few days before a normal menstrual period. Symptoms include physical and emotional changes. Around 8% to 20% of women experience moderate to severe premenstrual syndrome symptoms before their monthly cycle begins. It is a phase where everything irritates you, and you hate everything. Some of […]

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Best Herbs for Boost The Immune System

According to Ayurveda, immunity is the power of the body to prevent it from any infections, and defend or fight against the existing infections. A strong immune system has the ability to destroy the cause of the illness. Healthy immune system is necessary to protect us from various infections, cold and flu etc. Immunity can […]

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What is Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome or PCOS?

Today, we shall look at a condition in women that is becoming increasingly common in recent times. It is called Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome or PCOS in short form. The name may sound complicated, so let us try and make it simpler and less complicated. Poly- means many. Cyst means a bubble-like thing in the body […]

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8 Probable Causes of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) By Charak

Do you find it hard to concentrate? Do you fail to pay attention? Do you find yourself constantly interrupting others? Do you feel the need to move constantly during times when you shouldn’t? If you feel that they are negatively impacting your daily life, it could be a sign of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). So […]

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What are premenstrual syndrome symptoms? By Charak

Most women have tenderness in breasts, bloating, and muscle pain a couple of days before they begin their menstrual periods. These are ordinary premenstrual symptoms. But when they upset your everyday life, they are called premenstrual syndrome (PMS). PMS can influence your body, your state of mind, and your behavior in the days prior to […]

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