Health Student Blogs

Natural Sleep, Through Nature’s Way

Natural Sleep, Through Nature’s Way The human body is one of the greatest miracles of nature. It is a complex mechanism, which works seamlessly through the continuous reaction, transaction and actions of a large number of chemicals and materials present within it. When any of these chemicals or actions fall out of sync or their […]

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Sex & Relationships

Female Sexual Dysfunction

Female sexual dysfunction Surprisingly high incidence in India Healthy sexual functioning is an important contributor to women’s sense of well-being and quality of life. Surveys done in the US and Europe have identified that female sexual dysfunction (FSD) is strikingly prevalent. However, epidemiological investigations regarding the prevalence and factors associated with FSD from developing countries […]

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Health Student Blogs

Forget the menstrual woes

Forget the menstrual woes Menstrual cycle is the measure of a woman’s overall health. Yet menstrual irregularities are quite common in the lives of women today. Irregularities mainly include conditions like heavy flow during the period, painful cramps or missing a period. To begin, let’s understand how a menstrual cycle works. Except pregnant women, all […]

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For Students Student Blogs


HARIDRA (Curcuma longa) Synonyms of Haridra – Haridra, Kanchani, Peeta, Nisha, Varvarnini, Krimighni, Haldi, Yoshitpriya and Hattvilasini are the Sanskrit synonyms of Haridra. Some of the interesting synonyms are explained below – Yoshitpriya- The Women’s Favourite. This indicates that Haridra is useful in striroga (gynaecology) Var varnini – One with superior varna (healthy complexion). This […]

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For Students Student Blogs

Herbs that work on inflammation in a holistic way

Herbs that work on inflammation in a holistic way Mechanism of herbs explained beyond Ras-Virya-Vipaka The root cause for most of the lifestyle diseases that plague mankind today is thought to be chronic inflammation. Doctors and researchers say that if body is in a constant state of inflammation, the chances of getting troubled by chronic […]

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For Students Student Blogs

How to interpret a Sanskrit Sutra? – let us keep it simple

How to interpret a Sanskrit Sutra? – let us keep it simple The knowledge of Ayurveda has been documented by various maharishis in the form of sutras. sütra literally means a thread that holds things together, and more metaphorically refers to an aphorism (or line, rule, formula) or a collection of such aphorisms. sütra, being […]

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Health Student Blogs

The Grape Escape

The Grape Escape Polyphenols Reduce BP in Men with MetS   Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a cluster of conditions that occur together – increased blood pressure, a high blood sugar level, excess body fat around the waist or low HDL (the good cholesterol) and increased blood triglycerides – significantly increasing the risk for heart disease, […]

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For Students Student Blogs

Ancient Wisdom with Modern Insights

Ancient Wisdom with Modern Insights Welcome!! To our blog page exclusively for Ayurvedic students. Ayurveda is a vast subject to study. You will find yourself introduced to many new concepts, principles, and thoughts during your Ayurvedic course. Sometimes it can get tedious to be involved in details and lose sight of the bigger picture. Lets […]

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