
How To Combat PCOS and Balancing Hormones with Herbs?

Recurrent acne, facial hair, weight gain, mood swings and irregular periods – sound familiar? This nightmarish condition may sound extremely painful, and it is, but it is also quite common in young women these days. And is caused due to a hormonal condition known as Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, or PCOS. In fact, this condition is […]

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Health Student Blogs

The Ideal Diet and Supplement to Manage Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome or PCOS is the most common endocrine disorder among women of reproductive age. It affects over 100 million Indian women, with prevalence rates as high as 18 percent. Despite the high prevalence of the condition, there is little awareness about what PCOS actually is and how it can be managed effectively. Effective […]

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Health Student Blogs

No Cure for PCOS? Here’s How It Can Be Effectively Managed

PCOS affects over 100 million Indian women, with a prevalence of about 18 percent in our female population. Despite these shocking figures, there’s still a general lack of awareness about the condition and how it needs to be dealt with. PCOS is a chronic condition, which means that the problem persists for life and cannot […]

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