As #Mumbai remains to be the biggest infected zone, the “COVID 19 fighters” continue to do their task efficiently. The Police Force, including the Traffic Police are one of such Heroes!

On behalf of Charak Pharma, to express gratitude and to salute these Heroes, Mr. Manoj Jha (Divisional Sales Manager) & Mr. Dhaval Todai (Regional Sales Manager) reached one of such areas, Kapurbadi Police Chowky, Bhiwandi Road, Thane, on Friday, 24th April’20.

#Charak Pharma also expressed concern towards the safety and protection of the health of Police staff working in the field. 200 Police and 45 #TrafficPolice, including Senior Inspector Mr Anil Deshmukh and Traffic Inspector Mr Ravi Sawant, were briefed about enhancing immunity, taking care of throat and nutrition for health.

Every Hero of the Police force was given one unit of each, Extrammune Tablets (Immunity booster), Kofol Gargle (gargle for throat care) and Manoll syrup (Natural health tonic). Charak Pharma will continue to express care, love and gratitude towards these heroes who are risking their lives to protect ours during this pandemic.

Charak Pharma set its foot on the right track yet again, by taking another step towards the welfare of the society.

Charak supported “Arogyadham” – a wellness center, headed by Dr. Uday Kulkarni.

Dr. Kulkarni is also a team member of TRACT (Thane Rapid Action Covid Team), which works in the Thane corporation area.

Charak supported the cause of Human Care by contributing 200 bottles of Manoll health tonic to be used as Ayurvedic medicine to support immunity.

Manoll was distributed as a part of the prophylactic kit, to the Doctors, health workers, and asymptomatic Covid 19 positive patients.

Charak Pharma stands committed to supporting the cause of Human & Health Care… forever… naturally!

Drought Affected Villages in Maharashtra gets a helping hand from CharakPharma initiative:

About 5,000 villages in Maharashtra, a majority of them in Latur, and Osmanabad districts, are in the grip of an acute water shortage. Marathwada region is one such draught prone area where scarcity of water is an acute problem.

Hadga village in Nilangataluka, this region has always faced shortage of water for agriculture as well as domestic purposes. An excellent initiative taken by CharakPharma helping hand to drought-struck regions of Maharashtra by donating water via tankers.

CharakPharma officials visited to Hadga village which is one of the many adversely hit drought area where residents getting water supply once in Week. CharakPharma team visited the village with the water tankers and spent the whole day with the farmers and their families to understand their struggle with acquiring of water.

Overwhelming response received from the village. The residents were very happy & thankful to Charakpharma for providing water to the village.

CharakPharma will be adopting many more of such drought affected villages and would be providing drinking water under this #servingwatersavinglives campaign.

CSR Policy