Created by charakmin

December Quiz

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1 / 10

  1. Eating at wrong time , ingesting excess or very little quantity of food is known as?

2 / 10

  1. In which season, intercourse should be done once in three days?

3 / 10

  1. What is the treatment option of Vidagdhajirna?

4 / 10

  1. Excess consumption of which Rasa causes male sexual debility?

5 / 10

  1. What is the best Anupana for weigh gain in lean person?

6 / 10

Which person should not sleep at night?

7 / 10

  1. Which Mahabhuta dominance is Glanikara?

8 / 10

Which herb is similar to fire?

9 / 10

Which Rasa clears or opens the Srotasa?

10 / 10

What is Vipaka of Lavana Rasa?
