आयु: कामयमानेन धर्मार्थसुखसाधनम् l

आयुर्वेदोपदेशेषु विधेय: परमादर: ll

अष्टांग हृदय सूत्रस्थान १/२

ब्रह्मा स्मृत्वाssयुषो वेदं प्रजापतिमजिग्रहत् |

सोsश्विनौ तौ सहस्राक्षं सोsत्रिपुत्रादिकान्मुनीन् ||३||

तेsग्निवेशादिकांस्ते तु पृथक् तन्त्राणि तेनिरे |

The science of life, Ayurveda, was originally bestowed by Brahma to Prajapathi, who transmitted the knowledge to Ashwini kumaras. In turn, Ashwini kumaras taught Indra (Sahasraksa) who conveyed the ancient teachings to Artreya and other sages who became the teachers of Agnivesha and other disciples.

Agnivesha and other disciples  then composed  treatises of their own with diverse topics and directions.

तेभ्योsतिविप्रकीर्णेभ्य : प्राय : सारतरोच्चय : ||४॥

क्रियतेsष्टाङ्गहृदयं नातिसंक्षेपविस्तरम् |

The essence of other ancient texts which treasured the understanding of ayurveda in a scattered form has been distilled in Ashtang Hridya. The format of Ashtang Hridya is neither too long nor too short and is easy to understand.

कायबालग्रहोर्ध्वाङ्गशल्य दंष्ट्राजरावृषान् ||5||

अष्टावङ्गानि तस्याहुश्चिकित्सा येषु संश्रिता |

Ayurveda is classified into eight branches –

  1. Kayachikitsa -Internal Medicine
  2. Balachikitsa -Paediatrics
  3. Graha Chikitsa -Psychiatry
  4. Shalakya (Urdhvanga) Chikitsa -ENT (ear, nose, throat and head) and opthalmology
  5. Shalya Chikitsa – Surgery
  6. Visha (Dranstha) Chikitsa -Toxicology
  7. Rasayana (Jara) – Rejuvenation Therapy
  8. Vajeekarana (Vrishan) – Aphrodisiac treatment

वायु: पित्तं कफश्चेति त्रयो दोषा: समासत:|| ६ ||

In brief,

Vata, Pitta and Kapha are the three doshas explained in Ayurveda.

विकृताsविकृता देहं घ्नन्ति ते वर्तयन्ति च |

  • Abnormal doshas (Vikruta), disrupts the body and its functions
  • Normal doshas (Avikruta), supports the body and its functions.

ते व्यापिनोsपि हृन्नाभ्योरधोमध्योर्ध्वसंश्रया: || ७ ||

Vata – below the level of the navel

Pitta – between the navel and the heart

Kapha – above the level of heart

वयोsहोरात्रिभुक्तानां तेsन्तमध्यादिगा: क्रमात् |

Dominant period of activation for three doshas according to age, time of day or night and during digestion –


 (End – later stage)





During day
During night
During digestive process

तैर्भवेव्दिषमस्तीक्ष्णो मन्दश्चाग्नि: समै: सम: || ८ ||

How doshas affect the quality of AGNI?

Dosha dominance State of Agni
Vata Vishamagni (erratic or fitful)
Pitta Tikshnagni (sharp or strong)
Kapha Mandagni (dull or slow)
Sama Sama – agni (proper)

कोष्ठ : क्रूरो मृदुमध्यो मध्य: स्यात्तै: समैरपि |

How doshas influence the functions of the koshtha (bowel movements)?

Dosha dominance Koshtha (Bowel habits)
Vata Krura (stubborn)
Pitta Mrudu (mild)
Kapha Madhya (adequate)
Sama Madhya (adequate)