Sutra at a glance

There are four types of Agni which are like Digestive fires

1. Vishama Agni - It is influenced by Vata. A person with Vishama Agni will sometimes have strong appetite & digestion while other times have poor appetite and digestion.

2. Teeksna Agni - It is influenced by Pitta Dosha. A person with Teeksna Agni will have rapid digestion and strong appetite.

3. Manda Agni -It is influenced by Kapha. A person with Manda Agni will have sluggish digestion and poor appetite.

4. Sama Agni - It is influenced by perfect balance of Tridosha. A person with Sama Agni will have good appetite and digestion.

Dosha in a Life

Translation:In a person’s life, the first part or childhood & adolescence is dominated by Kapha, second part or youth & middle age is dominated by Pitta and third part or old age is dominated by Vata.

Dosha in a Day

In day, the first part is dominated by Kapha, second part is dominated by Pitta and third part is dominated by Vata.

Dosha in a Night

Also in night, the first part is dominated by Kapha, second part is dominated by Pitta and third part is dominated by Vata.

Dosha in Digestion

During digestion, the first part or an hour after food intake is dominated by Kapha, second part or starting of digestion is dominated by Pitta and third part or end of digestion is dominated by Vata.

Translation:Vata, Pitta and Kapha also called as Tridosha are present all over the body, but their presence is especially seen in particular parts.If body is divided into three parts, the top part from head to chest is dominated by Kapha Dosha. Part of the body between chest to umbilicus is dominated by Pitta Dosha. Part of the body below umbilicus to the leg is dominated by Vata Dosha.

Translation: Vata, Pitta and Kapha are the three basic physiological constituents of the body also called as Doshas. Perfect balance of these three in a body leads to good health. Imbalance in these Doshas leads to diseases. Hence they are called as Dosha which means causing defect in normal body constituency.

कायबालग्रहोर्ध्वाङ्गशल्यदंष्ट्रा जरावृषान् ५|

अष्टावङ्गानि तस्याहुश्चिकित्सा येषु संश्रिता ||

Translation: There are the eight branches of Ayurveda. These are called as Anga or body parts. All these branches comprise of diagnosis and treatment.

No. Branch Description
1 Kaya Chikitsa General Medicine
2 Bala Chikitsa Paediatrics
3 Graha Chikitsa Psychiatry
4 Urdhvanga Chikitsa Diseases and treatment of neck and above region including Ear, Nose, Throat, Eyes and Head
5 Shalya Chikitsa Surgery
6 Damshrta Chikitsa Toxicology
7 Jara Chikitsa Geriatrics
8 Vrushya Chikitsa Aphrodisiac therapy

आयु: कामयमानेन धर्मार्थसुखसाधनम् |

आयुर्वेदोपदेशेषु विधेयः परमादरः ||

Translation: The one who wish for life which is means of duty, income & desire, should have deep faith in teachings of Ayurveda.


आयु: means life which should be long, healthy and happy.

कामयमानेन means the one who desire a certain thing

धर्मार्थसुखसाधनम् means of following

1. Dharma means path of righteousness or rightful duty.

2. Artha means income by legally & morally correct means.

3. Sukh means fulfilling lawful desire in right ways.

आयुर्वेदोपदेशेषु means teachings of Ayurveda like daily & seasonal routine, diet, exercise, sleeping habits etc

विधेयः परमादरः means one should have unquestionable & deep faith
